I feel real dumb asking this but,

How do you pass values back from the lexer when using %glr-parser?

I know I must use POD data types.
In the .y file, I am using:

%define api.value.type union
%token <int64_t> CONSTANT

and in the lexer file:
{inum}  {       // Integer
                int64_t number = strtol(yytext, NULL, 10);
                ??? = number; // What do I do here?
                return MyPrefix::MyParser::token::CONSTANT;

yylval is not defined. I have read you shouldn't really modify it anyways,
for reasons mentioned in the manual (which make sense).

My only other project was parsing a small portion of SQL. I used variants
and everything worked quite well for that project, but I know I can not
use variants here.

I'm really stumped here. Can anybody advise?


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