---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Scott Lorberbaum <ugasco...@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, May 8, 2021 at 11:06 AM
Subject: Re: c++ bison, flex, having yylex return parser::symbol_type and
take in arguments (parser::semantic_type, parser::location_type)
To: Akim Demaille <a...@lrde.epita.fr>

Akim , yes sorry I was in a rush yesterday and didn't post everything.

Basically I'm trying to have yylex return a parser::symbol_type which is a
full token, and I think its possible. Yet whichever options I put in, I get

If I use %define api.token.constructor, then the code outputs yylex()
without arguments.

ucc.tab.cpp:805:45: error: use of undeclared identifier 'lval'
            symbol_type yylookahead (yylex (lval));

If I add in
%lex-param{ uccParser::semantic_type* const lval }
%lex-param{ uccParser::location_type* loc }

ucc.tab.cpp:805:45: error: use of undeclared identifier 'lval'
            symbol_type yylookahead (yylex (lval, loc));
ucc.tab.cpp:805:51: error: use of undeclared identifier 'loc'
            symbol_type yylookahead (yylex (lval, loc));

then yylex is called with arguments but then lval and loc are undefined.

If i use
%param instead of %lex-param for those arguments
everything compiles but now the constructor for the parser class takes in
those extra parameters of semantic_type* and location_type* which doesn't
seem to be what is wanted.

 Usually it seems that if I don't have api.token.constructor and I comment
out the param values then  &yyla.value and &yyla.location are passed into
yylex as needed but still uses a translate function that expects an integer.

ucc.tab.cpp:1061:40: error: no viable conversion from
'uccParser::symbol_type' to 'int'
            yyla.kind_ = yytranslate_ (yylex (&yyla.value, &yyla.location));
ucc.ypp:62:16: note: expanded from macro 'yylex'
        #define yylex compiler.lexer.yylex
ucc.tab.hpp:1910:47: note: passing argument to parameter 't' here
    static symbol_kind_type yytranslate_ (int t);

AND it seems that if yylex is a parameter for yytranslate_ and I want yylex
to return an symbol_type then won't that conflict with the
parameter/argument of "int t;" for yytranslate_??

Here is the "lex.hpp" file that define the class with the virtual yylex.

#ifndef _LEX_HPP
#define _LEX_HPP 1

#include <string>
#include <istream>
#include <iostream>
#if !defined(yyFlexLexerOnce)
#include <FlexLexer.h>

//#include "Compiler.hpp"
#include "ucc.tab.hpp"
#include "location.hh"
namespace ucc{

class uccLexer : public yyFlexLexer {
// uccLexer();
uccLexer(std::istream* in, Compiler& compiler);

// using FlexLexer::yylex;

virtual uccParser::symbol_type yylex(uccParser::semantic_type* const lval,
uccParser::location_type* location);

virtual ~uccLexer();
uccParser::semantic_type* yylval = nullptr;
uccParser::location_type* loc = nullptr;
Compiler& compiler;
std::string string_buf{""};
// std::string* string_buf_ptr = nullptr;


Here is my lexer grammer file again in fulll.. I have commented out the
original returning a parser::token:: and using yylval->emplace() with the
make_ functions which i think are the way to go when returning the

%option c++
#include <cstdint>

#ifdef DEBUGON
#ifndef DEBUG
#define DEBUG

#include "type.hpp"
#include "cpptypes.hpp"
#include "lex.hpp"
#include "List.hpp"
#include "symtab.hpp"
#include "data.hpp"

#undef YY_DECL
#define YY_DECL uccParser::symbol_type
uccLexer::yylex(uccParser::semantic_type* const lval,
uccParser::location_type* location)

#include "ucc.tab.hpp"
#include "compiler.hpp"

using namespace ucc;

using token = uccParser::token;
#define YY_USER_ACTION loc->step(); loc->columns(yyleng);


%option stack
%option yylineno
%option yyclass="uccLexer"

%s initial
%x astring
%x comment

DIGIT [0-9]
LETTER [A-Za-z\_]
EOLN \\n
BEGCOM "\/\*"
ENDCOM "\*\/"
ELIP "..."

NEQ "\!="
LEQ "<="
GEQ ">="
ADOF "&"

yylval = lval;
[^*\n]*\n ++compiler.Line_Number;
\*+[^*/\n]*\n ++compiler.Line_Number;
<<EOF>> {
compiler.error("eof terminated comment","");


// yylval->emplace<ucc::StrConstant>(string_buf);
// return(token::StrConstant);

return uccParser::make_StrConstant(string_buf,*loc);
compiler.error("unterminated string constant","");

\\n {
string_buf += "\\n";
\\\" {
string_buf += "\\\"";

\\[^n\\\"] {
int c;
compiler.error("illegal character:%s in string",yytext);
while(((c = yyinput()) != '\"') && (c != EOF)){
if(c == EOF){
compiler.error("eof terminated string","");

char *yptr = yytext;
while((*yptr != (int)NULL) && *yptr){
string_buf += *yptr++;

<<EOF>> {
compiler.error("eof terminated string","");

void {/*keyword void*/
// return token::voidt;
return uccParser::make_voidt(0,*loc);

if {/* keyword if*/
// return token::ift;
return uccParser::make_ift(0,*loc);

return {/* keyword return*/
// return token::returnt;
return uccParser::make_returnt(*loc);

else {/* keyword else*/
// return token::elset;
return uccParser::make_elset(0,*loc);

while {/*keyword while*/
// return token::whilet;
return uccParser::make_whilet(0,*loc);

int { /*keyword int*/
// yylval.ttype = type::INT;
// return token::intt;
return uccParser::make_intt(0,*loc);

float {/* keyword float*/
// yylval.ttype = type::FLOAT;
// return token::floatt;
return uccParser::make_floatt(0,*loc);

char { /* keyword char*/
// yylval.ttype = type::CHAR;
// return token::chart;
return uccParser::make_chart(0,*loc);

\( {
// return token::lpar;
return uccParser::make_lpar(0,*loc);

\) {
// return token::rpar;
return uccParser::make_rpar(0,*loc);

\{ {
// return token::lcbra;
return uccParser::make_lcbra(0,*loc);

\} {
// return token::rcbra;
return uccParser::make_rcbra(0,*loc);

\; {
// return token::semi;
return uccParser::make_semi(0,*loc);

\, {
// return token::comma;
return uccParser::make_comma(0,*loc);

\< {
// yylval.value.relopvalue = reltype::LES;
// return token::lesst;
return uccParser::make_lesst(reltype::LES,*loc);

\> {
// yylval.value.relopvalue = reltype::GRE;
// return token::greatt;
return uccParser::make_greatt(reltype::GRE,*loc);

\= {
// return token::equalt;
return uccParser::make_equalt(0,*loc);

\+ {
// yylval.value.addopvalue = addtype::PLS;
// return token::plus;
return uccParser::make_plus(addtype::PLS,*loc);

\- {
// yylval.value.addopvalue = addtype::MIN;
// return token::minus;
return uccParser::make_minus(addtype::MIN,*loc);

\/ {
// yylval.value.multopvalue = multype::DIV;
// return token::divide;
return uccParser::make_divide(multype::DIV,*loc);
\* {
// yylval.value.multopvalue = multype::MULT;
// return token::star;
return uccParser::make_star(multype::MULT,*loc);

{GEQ} {
// yylval.value.relopvalue = reltype::GEQ;
// return token::geq;
return uccParser::make_geq(reltype::GEQ,*loc);

{LEQ} {
// yylval.value.relopvalue = reltype::LEQ;
// return token::leq;
return uccParser::make_leq(reltype::LEQ,*loc);

{NEQ} {
// yylval.value.eqopvalue = eqtype::NEQ;
// return token::neq;
return uccParser::make_neq(eqtype::NEQ,*loc);

// yylval.value.eqopvalue = eqtype::EQEQ;
// return token::equequ;
return uccParser::make_equequ(eqtype::EQEQ,*loc);

{ADOF} {
// return token::adof;
return uccParser::make_adof(0,*loc);


{LETTER}({LETTER}|{DIGIT})* {/* identifier*/
// yylval.ttype = type::STR;
std::string tempstr(yytext);
// yylval->emplace<std::string>(tempstr);
return uccParser::make_Ident(tempstr,*loc);
// return(token::Ident);

((0|([1-9]{DIGIT}*)))(while|if|void|return|char|int|float|else|for|extern) {
compiler.error("illegal token: %s", yytext);

compiler.error("illegal token: %s",yytext);

(0|([1-9]{DIGIT}*))({LETTER}({LETTER}|{DIGIT})*) { /* bad form*/
compiler.error("illegal token: %s", yytext);

{/*bad form*/
compiler.error("illegal token: %s",yytext);

(0|([1-9]{DIGIT}*))\.{DIGIT}{DIGIT}* {/*float*/
// yylval.ttype = type::FLOAT;
// yylval->emplace<float>(std::atof(yytext));
// yylval.value.fvalue=(float)std::atof(yytext);
return uccParser::make_FloatConstant((float)std::atof(yytext),*loc);
// return(token::FloatConstant);

0{DIGIT}+\.{DIGIT}+ {/* bad float*/
compiler.error("illegal float: %s",yytext);

0{DIGIT}+ {/* bad integer*/
compiler.error("illegal integer: %s", yytext);

(0|([1-9]{DIGIT}*)) {/*integer constant*/
// yylval.ttype = type::INT;
// yylval->emplace<int>(std::atoi(yytext));
// yylval.value.ivalue =(int)std::atoi(yytext);
return uccParser::make_IntConstant((int)std::atoi(yytext),*loc);
// return(token::IntConstant);

{ELIP} {
// return token::elip;
return uccParser::make_elip(0,*loc);

\" {

\n {

[ \t\r]+ { /*eat up tabs, whitespace */

<<EOF>> {

return uccParser::make_YYEOF(*loc);
// return '\0';

. {
compiler.error("illegal character: %s",yytext);


I hope this helps. Let me know what else you may need. I added the lex
class file via the lex.hpp, I showed use of the make_ in the lex grammar,
and I've added some compiler errors that show up when using the various

On Fri, May 7, 2021 at 10:56 PM Akim Demaille <a...@lrde.epita.fr> wrote:

> Hi Scott,
> > Le 7 mai 2021 à 21:26, Scott Lorberbaum <ugasco...@gmail.com> a écrit :
> >
> > [...]
> > i've played around with having the param turned on and either full
> %param,
> > or %lex %parse specific. I've turned on and off token.raw and
> > token.constructor but it doesn't seem to work.
> > the translate_ function still seems to want to accept an (int) from yylex
> > but should it be used if api.token.raw is turned on? Maybe i'm thinking
> the
> > translate_ function is used differently. Let me know if you need more
> code.
> > Thank you in advance.
> AFAICT, you did not exactly state what your problem is.
> The fact that yytranslate still exists with token.raw is not
> (expected to be) a problem: its implementation is then trivial.
>   inline
>   parser::symbol_kind_type
>   parser::yytranslate_ (int t)
>   {
>     return static_cast<symbol_kind_type> (t);
>   }
> Please show exactly your problem, for instance show the compiler
> errors.  And if that's something relating to the communication
> between the scanner and the parser, it would be most useful to
> include (i) bits of your scanner where you actually return a token,
> and (ii) details about "#define yylex compiler.lexer.yylex".
> Cheers!

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