> Le 21 nov. 2021 à 20:01, Jot Dot <jot...@shaw.ca> a écrit :
> 1>D:\data\c\gen\Gen Parser\parser.cpp(987,42): warning C4003: not enough 
> arguments for function-like macro invocation 'max'
> 1>D:\data\c\gen\Gen Parser\parser.cpp(987,42): error C2589: '(': illegal 
> token on right side of '::'
> And the generated code that causes this error is:
>  template<typename T>
>  const std::ptrdiff_t strong_index_alias<T>::INVALID_INDEX =
>    std::numeric_limits<std::ptrdiff_t>::max ();

That's the usual BS of windows.h.



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