On Tue, 12 Dec 2023 23:06:14 -0500
Steve Litt <sl...@troubleshooters.com> wrote:

> I've already split paratext into multiple LINE tokens which represent
> a line without its NL, and now I'm thinking of splitting line into
> multiple chars ("[^\n]"). Perhaps this will make the rules less
> complicated, though longer.

Have the scanner return two tokens only: 

        LINE  a line of text, no newline
        SEP   a blank line

The lexer might have:

.+/\n  { ... return LINE; }
(\n[[:blank:]]*){2,} { return SEP; } // two or more blank lines
\n       { /* ignore */ }

Then your parser wants:

top:    paragraphs
        | paragraphs SEP // to allow for trailing blank lines
paragraphs: paragraph
        | paragraphs SEP paragraph
paragraph: lines
lines: LINE
        | lines LINE

I would think that would work.  


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