> Date: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 20:48:08 +0400
> From: Nikolay Kudryavtsev <nikolay.kudryavt...@gmail.com>
> I usually use windows console from emacs.

By "use windows console" do you mean "M-x shell" inside Emacs?  Or do
you mean something else?

> And sometimes I install new stuff that I put on my PATH.

You mean, you install new stuff into a newly created directory, and
then add that new directory to PATH, is that right?  Or do you mean
you put the new stuff into an already existing directory that is on

> If you use console from windows, you can just open a new console and 
> PATH will be updated. With emacs this does not work. Restarting emacs 
> does not work either. The only way is to restart windows. Is there any 
> way to change this behavior?

Please describe how you change PATH (if that's what you do), exactly.
When I change PATH via "My Computer" (or maybe it's called "Computer"
on your system), restarting Emacs does capture the change.  But maybe
I don't understand what is it that does not work in your case.  I
suggest to describe the issue in more detail.

In general, there's no way I know of to change PATH inside a running
program (in this case Emacs), except by restarting it.  Of course,
since you have a shell running inside Emacs, you could just modify
PATH from that shell's prompt, or run a batch file prepared outside of
Emacs to do that.

> One shortcut is using script from here
> <https://stackoverflow.com/a/171737>, sure it works in case of a
> shell buffer, but PATH change is local to that buffer. It does not
> change PATH used by shell commands.

Not sure what this means: are you using one of the methods described
in that article to modify PATH?

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