> Date: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 15:19:02 +0100
> From: Dani Moncayo <dmonc...@gmail.com>
> Cc: "help-emacs-windows@gnu.org" <help-emacs-windows@gnu.org>
> > I have just installed Emacs 24.4 under Windows. There is one thing that is
> > missing: the icons. Emacs 24.3 had 17 icons (located at the \etc\icons
> > directory). Would it be possible to add them to Emacs 24.4?
> Note that the directory structure in the binary distribution for
> MS-Windows has changed, to resemble that of GNU/Linux systems.  See
> the NEWS file (C-h n), under this section:
>   ** The procedure for building Emacs on MS-Windows has changed.
> It seems that, with the new build system, those icons are not included
> in the binary package (I don't know if they should be).

If there's a good reason to add those old icons, we could add them.
But I'd like to hear the reason(s) first.

> FWIW: the main icon ('emacs.ico' in Emacs 24.3) is available from
> several executables (e.g. 'bin/emacs.exe').

Right, that's the one everyone should use.

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