> From: Tomas Nordin <tom...@posteo.net>
> Cc: help-emacs-windows@gnu.org
> Date: Sun, 09 Jun 2019 22:19:37 +0200
> > If you wait long enough, Emacs should eventually display the HELLO
> > file and become responsive again.  Does that happen?  If not, how long
> > have you waited for it?
> It takes 38 seconds.

That's a lot.  Did you install many fonts that didn't come with the OS
out of the box?  I don't know how is the 192 number vs an
out-of-the-box system.

> After that, other buffers are responsive and the HELLO buffer stay
> semi-responsive let's say. From the top and walking down some two
> lines a second with C-n goes OK until is start to stumble on this
> line first
>     East Asia: 你好, 早晨, こんにちは, 안녕하세요
> and some other lines.

Does it help to say

   M-: (setq inhibit-compacting-font-caches t) RET


> I couldn't find characters not displayed like that (boxes with hex
> code). By installing Symbola I took it to mean go to
> https://fontlibrary.org/en/font/symbola, download the zip, copy the
> Symbola.ttf file to the windows/fonts directory. Then put a proper
> configuration in the init file, like
> (add-to-list 'default-frame-alist
>  '(font . "DejaVu Sans Mono-10"))
> adjusted for Symbola. But I don't know how to specify it. (I tried with
> just "Symbola" and that gave me something non-monospaced).

Just install Symbola, you don't need to configure anything else.
Emacs already knows about Symbola and will use it if available.

> > If you waited for, say, several minutes, and HELLO is still not
> > displayed, start by trying this in "emacs -Q".  If the problem goes
> > away in "emacs -Q", some of your customizations are responsible, and
> > you should find them either by reviewing your init files or by
> > bisecting them.
> Experimenting with emacs -Q only.
> > It is also possible that you have an awful lot of fonts installed on
> > that system, way more than on an average Windows system out of the
> > box.  On my systems "C-h h" takes between 10 and 20 sec, depending on
> > the OS version and the fonts I have installed, but I only installed
> > maybe a dozen or so beyond what came with the OS.
> That fonts folder showed something like 192 items. I don't know if its
> relevant but (length (x-list-fonts "*")) returned 1988.

I have 1708 here, so it's close, and HELLO displays in ~11 sec.  Where
did you get this Emacs binary?  Was it compiled with optimizations?

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