Hi everyone,
I'm new to using glpk and have noticed that it doesn't include
ample set opeations for lt,gt,le, ge, eq unless they are
indexed with numbers.  My degree is in CS so I would be
willing to do the programming if their is any possibility of
it being patched into a future realease.  I figured it would
be a parser patch that performs all unions ahead of time and
number the elements so that its compatible for the maximum
union and then using the ununiond sets would still work.  then
you could use standard operations on sets to reduce the number
of contraints produced and in the lp form of the file it would
simply have a numbering of the set.  Does everyone agree with
the method and what is the interest.  Also if their is
interest in me doing the program are their any upcomming
changes on their way


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