Hi Andrew,

Ok. Let me put this question in a more generic fashion so that its
appropriate to this group.

I have a Integer programming formulation which has a variable u{i} where i
varies from 1 to n and another variable V. Each u{i} can only take binary
values 0 or 1 and same for the variable V.

I have a constraint which says u{k} <= u{k+1} for k = 1 to n-1.
Which means if a u{i}=1 for certain i=k, then the variable u is 1 for all
values of i > k.

Now Let k be the least index such that u{k}=1 which means u{i}=1 for i>k
i <=n.

i want to put a constraint.
 k <= V.

Can I represent it in CPLEX LP format as a linear constraint?


Gaurav Khanna
Phd Student
CSE Department,OSU

Phone (office):614-292-7036

On Tue, 14 Nov 2006, Andrew Makhorin wrote:

> > I am trying to solve the following problem using 0-1 IP. I have a
> > graph
> Probably this is not an appropriate forum for your question. Try asking
> your question on http://groups.google.com/group/sci.op-research .

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