Thank Luiz.

It does appear, based on the flags you said are set for MinGW, that
MinGW does have "full" optimization turned on, while VS2008 does not.
That is probably the reason why MinGW is faster.

May I recommend to Andrew or Xypron that at least -O2 is set on for the
VS2008 makefile?


-----Original Message-----
From: Luiz M. M. Bettoni [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, December 06, 2008 10:55 AM
To: Meketon, Marc
Subject: Re: [Help-glpk] Re: glpk 4.34 release information

Hi, Marc.

> I'm not an expert on the compilation flags, so please double check
> what I'm trying to say in the following.
> The "CFLAGS" set for VS2008 is:  /I. /DHAVE_CONFIG_H /nologo /W3
> I do not know what the corresponding settings are for MinGW.

I'm not an expert on various fields, so sorry by misunderstood you
previous message =) For MinGW i've just used the default DEV-C++ flags: 

> It does not appear that any flag for optimization (such as /O2, /GL,
> etc.) is turned on for VS2008.  I think that a comparison should be
> made between the two compilers when both have their optimization for
> speed settings adjusted to be as fast as possible.

I've just used default options. Maybe the GCC and VS2008 experts can do
the tests with the best optimization flags =)


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