Hello again, Andrew. Hi All.

I need some opinions. Actually Gusek use the following associations with
common language actions:
- Compile = Check GMPL sintax (--check)
- Build = Generate Cplex LP from GMPL (--wcpxlp) - (build expanded
equations, like a CTRL+G on lingo)
- Go = Run GMPL Model
And MPS Build is another option, a "not associated" command.

What associations you (and maybe someone) point to make clear the use of
GMPL, MPS and CPLEX LP format?
I think in disable the build command and use "Build Cplex LP" not
associated, like "Build MPS" (or toggle "build" and "compile" and
disable "compile" command).

This associations are useful to preserve SciTE format (and SciTE users
can reuse only the Gusek "configuration files" to run GLPK models).

Other question: what  MPS format should Gusek associate to MPS files by
default (open and generate MPS files)? Free o Fixed MPS?

Luiz Bettoni

> > 3. I think that gusek should also support files in mps and,
> > especially, in cplex lp formats, not only mathprog files.
> Ok, i'll do this. Actually you can "run" the mps and lp files, but the
> syntax lexer has some problems.
> Build a mps from a lp may be useful too, right?

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