Hello all,
                I am doing my project on  facility location problem. It 
involves almost 200000 constraints and 400 binary variables. We have ILOG Cplex 
installed on our server. AMPL is not installed with it. I need a proper 
modelling language for using ILOG Cplex. Can I link gmpl to ILOG Cplex?
 Cplex can read .mps and .lp format files. So in case gmpl is not linked , can 
I translate the file to .mps or .lp format compitiable to ILOG Cplex? In case 
gmpl fails in both above cases, can you suggest me an option?
Hello all,
                I am doing my project on  facility location problem. It involves almost 200000 constraints and 400 binary variables. We have ILOG Cplex installed on our server. AMPL is not installed with it. I need a proper modelling language for using ILOG Cplex. Can I link gmpl to ILOG Cplex?
 Cplex can read .mps and .lp format files. So in case gmpl is not linked , can I translate the file to .mps or .lp format compitiable to ILOG Cplex? In case gmpl fails in both above cases, can you suggest me an option?
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