Hello Paul

Just to let you know that much of the information
Xypron gave you (in a parallel posting) is also
available from the GLPK wikibook page:


In light of your email, I just added the following note:

  "In particular, users have reported faulty floating
  point arithmetic when deployed on 64-bit Linux

One aim of the GLPK wikibook is to collect information
about the various secondary projects clustered around
GLPK.  And especially their current status and

with best wishes, Robbie

To:          help-glpk@gnu.org
Subject:     [Help-glpk] RE: GLPK on 64 bit Linux
Message-ID: <7552712.20100825213...@gnu.org>
From:       "Hammond, Paul" <paul.hamm...@morganstanley.com>
Date:        Wed, 25 Aug 2010 21:35:23 +0400

> Hi,
> You may recall some time back that I had issues with
> numerical differences running GLPK-Java on 64 bit Linux
> that could not be explained by simply a different
> floating point precision. Some months ago, I believe I
> found an issue, and wanted to share it with everybody,
> sorry didn't post it sooner, just slipped my mind.

[snip: remainder of post]

Robbie Morrison
PhD student -- policy-oriented energy system simulation
Technical University of Berlin (TU-Berlin), Germany
University email (redirected) : morri...@iet.tu-berlin.de
Webmail (preferred)           : rob...@actrix.co.nz
[from Webmail client]

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