Hello Patrik,

glpios10.c has the following lines:
*  M.Fischetti, F.Glover, and A.Lodi. "The feasibility pump." Math.
*  Program., Ser. A 104, pp. 91-104 (2005). */
You can find the article at

Further reading is:

Best regards


On 26.07.2012 20:24, Robbie Morrison wrote:
> Hello Patrik
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> To:           help-glpk@gnu.org
> Subject:      [Help-glpk] Feasibility pump heuristic
> From:         Patrik Dufresne <ikus...@gmail.com>
> Date:         Thu, 26 Jul 2012 12:51:55 -0400
> ------------------------------------------------------------
>> Hi,
>> I'm using GLPK to model an integer linear problem and
>> then solve it using glp_intopt(). Since, I'm a beginner
>> with linear problem, I've try different option of the
>> solver. One of them is the Feasibility pump heuristic
>> (fp_heur). Enabling this option solve the problem
>> within 24sec instead of 192sec when disabled.
>> My first question, do you have any reference material
>> to explain how the feasibility pump heuristic is
>> working ?
> This publication describes changes to GLPK 4.28 to test
> novel MILP branching techniques.  I don't know if it
> covers the heuristic you mentioned but it should
> provide some useful background:
>   Pryor, Jennifer; Chinneck, John W (2011), "Faster
>       integer-feasibility in mixed-integer linear
>       programs by branching to force change", Computers
>       and Operations Research 38 (8): 1143-1152,
>       doi:10.1016/j.cor.2010.10.025
> paywalled :
> http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0305054810002546
> preprint  :
> http://www.sce.carleton.ca/faculty/chinneck/docs/PryorChinneck.pdf
>> When enabled, is the optimality is still garanteed ?
> Yes, barring unknown errors in chipset, compilers,
> libraries, and models.
> This might be of interest in relation to GLPK:
>   http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/GLPK/Background_theory
> Then read up about the Karush-Kahn-Tucker (KKT)
> optimality conditions elsewhere:
>   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karush%E2%80%93Kuhn%E2%80%93Tucker_conditions
>> Thanks for you'r help.
>> Patrik Dufresne
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> HTH, Robbie
> ---
> Robbie Morrison
> PhD student -- policy-oriented energy system simulation
> Technical University of Berlin (TU-Berlin), Germany
> University email (redirected) : morri...@iet.tu-berlin.de
> Webmail (preferred)           : rob...@actrix.co.nz
> [from Webmail client]
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