Oh, I don't think there's anything wrong with them.  Well, except for how
I'm trying to use them.

I see that the examples only use them in computable parameters, though.  I
was trying to use them in constraints, and was getting errors along the
lines of "forall function does not exist" (sorry, I don't have the exact
error with me).  The constraints were of the form:

   for all a in A, if x[a] =1 then there exists a b in B such that
(something or another based on a)

I was having trouble directly implementing constraints of this form, so I
changed the "if p then q" form to "not p or q" like this:

   subject to C {a in A} :
      (1 - x[a]) + (if exists {b in B} (...something or other based on a..)
then 1 else 0) >= 1;

I'll have to try again in the morning when I'm more awake.  Thanks for the
guidance, Andrew.

On Mon, May 6, 2013 at 11:36 PM, Andrew Makhorin <m...@gnu.org> wrote:

> > Can you provide a link to an example of each?  Any help would be
> > appreciated.
> >
> Please see glpk/examples/color.mod (for 'exists') and
> glpk/examples/egypt.mod (for 'forall').
> What is wrong with these operators?
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