-------- Forwarded Message --------
From: Pietro Scionti <pietro.scio...@archinet.it>
To: m...@gnu.org <m...@gnu.org>
Subject: I: Modelling binary variable
Date: Wed, 2 Oct 2013 17:52:19 +0200

Hi Andrew,

I sent this message to the list but I’ve never seen it appear in the
digest or the online archives. Is the address changed since the last
time I used it?

Thank you very much



Da: Pietro Scionti 
Inviato: lunedì 23 settembre 2013 10:50
A: 'help-glpk@gnu.org'
Oggetto: Modelling binary variable


Hi everyone,

I need help to model this situation: I have a series of binary decision

var x{o in O, t in T, g in G}

and I want to introduce a new binary variable

var z{o in O, t in T}

which takes 1 if and only if

sum{g in G} x[o,t,g] = 1


I tried using a Big-M approach but it only covered one of the two

Any suggestions?





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