Bah, apologies, list. My email client didn't thread this email chain like I expected so I missed that Andrew had responded already. Pay much more attention to his response, obviously.


At 8:16pm -0400 Wed, 11 Jun 2014, Kevin  wrote:
At 5:12am -0400 Sun, 08 Jun 2014, Lukas Meyer wrote:
I would like to use a GLPK linear programming model in Ruby using the
Rglpk wrapper. Unfortunately, I do not get the same solution when
comparing the glpk and Rglpk outputs. Despite I am setting the column
kind to Binary (cols.kind = Rglpk::GLP_BV), the solution shows
integer values instead of boolean.

The model is rather simple, but somehow I am missing something in the
ruby code. Do you have any hint what could be wrong?

I don't speak Ruby currently, but I can offer a starting point for
debugging: have both pathways to GLPK write the problem they think
they're solving to a file, then compare the two.

Obviously, pick the format of your choice, but for a first ditch effort,
you may find CPLEX LP format to be slightly easier to read and compare.
  For example, the command line version might be:

     $ glpsol --math your_problem --wlp CommandLineProblem.lp
       # or
     $ glpsol --lp your_problem.lp --wlp CommandLineProblem.lp

For the script version, do the moral equivalent in your code and then
compare the two.  (If you're not a command line junkie, 'diff -u file1
file2' might come in handy.)  It may help you find the discrepancy.

Good luck,


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