Hello everybody.

I am having an issue using the standalone glpsol solver: on some particular
instances, the solver enters a never-ending elaboration (I let it run for 8
hours, when 20 seconds would be already a huge time for an instance of that
size), without finding any solution. I am certain that the feasible
solution exists because: 1. two other solvers (minos and Cbc) found it and
2. in case of non-existing solution, the solver should tell me that the
instance is empty. Anyway, in the following you can find the model and the
instance that gives the issue.


*Interesting property*: the issue occurs on all the instances having
Cores['ECONOMIC'] very small (=5 in the sample that I provided).

I am using glpsol v4.55 on 64 bit ubuntu. The command line I use is simply

glpsol --math --model glpk_model.mod --data glpk_input.dat

Thank you for your time and attention.

Mattia Buccarella
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