Hello Sylvain,

./configure --help


  --enable-libpath        load GLPK library from java.library.path

So what you want to do is:

./configure --enable-libpath

I will not make this switch default to yes because at least Debian
requires a different layout:

/usr/lib: glpk.so
/usr/lib/jni: glpk_java.so
/usr/share/java: glpk-java.jar

Best regards

Heinrich Schuchardt

On 03.12.2015 17:13, Sylvain Fournier wrote:
> Hi Heinrich,
> No problem, I just asked out of curiosity. It is indeed pretty
> straightforward to compile the code and build the libraries.
> Testing a little more, I noted a same kind of behaviour in Linux as the
> one on Windows I previously reported.
> I copied both GLPK libraries libglpk_java.so and libglpk.so (using the
> -L option from the cp command) from the corresponding .libs directories
> after compilation. I placed them in the same directory and added this
> directory to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH. It is working all right unless I
> remove the glpk libraries from the directories where they were compiled
> (running for example "make clean"). In this case I get the following
> error when I try to run my program:
> java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: (...)/libglpk_java.so: libglpk.so.36:
> cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> at java.lang.ClassLoader$NativeLibrary.load(Native Method)
> at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary0(ClassLoader.java:1938)
> at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(ClassLoader.java:1854)
> at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary0(Runtime.java:870)
> at java.lang.System.loadLibrary(System.java:1122)
> at org.gnu.glpk.GLPKJNI.<clinit>(GLPKJNI.java:29)
> at org.gnu.glpk.GLPKConstants.<clinit>(GLPKConstants.java:12)
> The result of command "ldd libglpk_java.so" contains the following
> line: libglpk.so.36 => not found
> On the other hand, if the original libraries still exist (before "make
> clean"), this line gives, instead of "not found", the path to the
> directory where "libglpk.so.36" (why not "libglpk.so" by the way?) was
> compiled.
> To prevent the UnsatisfiedLinkError from occuring without relying on the
> original libraries, I then have to add a System.loadLibrary("glpk") in
> Linux before calling the GLPK methods.
> Did I miss something, such as a compilation parameter that would help
> me? If not, wouldn't it possible to add (also for Linux)
> this System.loadLibrary("glpk") before
> the System.loadLibrary("glpk_java") in glpk.i?
> I am not sure I was very clear... But I hope you understood anyway!
> Regards,
> *Sylvain Fournier*
> 2015-12-01 10:55 GMT-02:00 Heinrich Schuchardt <xypron.g...@gmx.de
> <mailto:xypron.g...@gmx.de>>:
>     Hello Sylvain,
>     Linux libraries are provided by Debian, Ubuntu, Mint. Builing them
>     yourself just requires the standard procedure
>     ./configure
>     make
>     sudo make install
>     sudo ldconfig
>     Hence I do not plan to provide Linux binaries.
>     Best regards
>     Heinrich Schuchardt
>     http://www.xypron.de
>     Am 01.12.15 um 13:42 schrieb Sylvain Fournier
>     > Thanks Heinrich!
>     >
>     > http://sourceforge.net/projects/winglpk/ still contains the old
>     libraries,
>     >
>     > right? I'll test it after the next update and let you know if there is 
> any
>     >
>     > problem.
>     >
>     > And what about providing the Linux libraries in the next releases?
>     >
>     >
>     >
>     > *Sylvain Fournier*
>     >
>     >
>     >
>     > 2015-11-30 18:54 GMT-02:00 Heinrich Schuchardt <xypron.g...@gmx.de
>     <mailto:xypron.g...@gmx.de>>:
>     >
>     >
>     >
>     > > Hello Sylvain,
>     >
>     > >
>     >
>     > > I just released GLPK for Java 1.3.1 which fixes the error.
>     >
>     > >
>     >
>     > > Best regards
>     >
>     > >
>     >
>     > > Heinrich Schuchardt
>     >
>     > >
>     >
>     > > On 30.11.2015 19:26, Sylvain Fournier wrote:
>     >
>     > > > Hi Heinrich,
>     >
>     > > >
>     >
>     > > > I recently updated GLPK for Java to version 4.57 and I'd like
>     to share
>     >
>     > > > some considerations I had for the next versions.
>     >
>     > > >
>     >
>     > > > First, in my Windows application, I don't install GLPK for
>     Java in the
>     >
>     > > > system but instead I link directly to the .dll libraries
>     provided in the
>     >
>     > > > link you sent. When I try to execute my project, I get an
>     unsatisfied
>     >
>     > > > link error ("Can't find dependent libraries"), which enforces
>     me to load
>     >
>     > > > the GLPK library in my application using the following command:
>     >
>     > > > System.loadLibrary("glpk_4_57");
>     >
>     > > > This line must be changed at each new GLPK version. On the
>     other hand,
>     >
>     > > > in my Linux application, I don't need to load this library: it
>     seems
>     >
>     > > > that the .so management is more "clever" on Linux and manages to
>     >
>     > > > automatically link to the right dependent library.
>     >
>     > > > My suggestion for the next GLPK for Java releases is to add
>     this library
>     >
>     > > > loading, if possible, just before the glpk_4_57_java library
>     loading in
>     >
>     > > > glpk.i. Or did I miss some explanation why it hasn't been done
>     until now?
>     >
>     > > >
>     >
>     > > > Finally, is there some reason why the Linux libraries (.so)
>     are not
>     >
>     > > > provided in any of the releases of GLPK or GLPK for Java? I
>     don't mind
>     >
>     > > > compiling the libraries when I have to update GLPK, but then
>     I'd like to
>     >
>     > > > understand why the libraries are given for Windows and not for
>     Linux.
>     >
>     > > >
>     >
>     > > > Regards,
>     >
>     > > >
>     >
>     > > > *Sylvain Fournier*
>     >
>     > > >
>     >
>     > > > 2015-11-08 23:27 GMT-02:00 Heinrich Schuchardt
>     <xypron.g...@gmx.de <mailto:xypron.g...@gmx.de>
>     >
>     > > > <mailto:xypron.g...@gmx.de <mailto:xypron.g...@gmx.de>>>:
>     >
>     > > >
>     >
>     > > >     GLPK for Windows 4.57 has been released. It provides 32
>     and 64 bit
>     >
>     > > >     binaries for Windows. The project is located at
>     >
>     > > >     http://winglpk.sourceforge.net .
>     >
>     > > >
>     >
>     > > >     GLPK for Windows 4.57 includes  GLPK for Java 1.3.0 and
>     GLPK for
>     >
>     > > C#/CLI
>     >
>     > > >     1.1.0.
>     >
>     > > >
>     >
>     > > >     GLPK for Java provides a Java binding for the GLPK
>     library. The
>     >
>     > > project
>     >
>     > > >     is located at http://glpk-java.sourceforge.net .
>     >
>     > > >
>     >
>     > > >     GLPK for C#/CLI provide a Common Language Interface
>     binding for the
>     >
>     > > GLPK
>     >
>     > > >     library it allows to use all programming languages
>     supported by Mono
>     >
>     > > and
>     >
>     > > >     .NET together with GLPK, e.g. C#, Visual Basic .NET, and
>     F#. The
>     >
>     > > project
>     >
>     > > >     is located at http://glpk-cli.sourceforge.net . The Git
>     repository
>     >
>     > > is
>     >
>     > > >     located at https://github.com/xypron/glpk-cli .
>     >
>     > > >
>     >
>     > > >     Best regards
>     >
>     > > >
>     >
>     > > >     Heinrich Schuchardt
>     >
>     > > >
>     >
>     > > >     _______________________________________________
>     >
>     > > >     Help-glpk mailing list
>     >
>     > > >     Help-glpk@gnu.org <mailto:Help-glpk@gnu.org>
>     <mailto:Help-glpk@gnu.org <mailto:Help-glpk@gnu.org>>
>     >
>     > > >     https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/help-glpk
>     >
>     > > >
>     >
>     > > >
>     >
>     > >

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