Dear GLPK-team,

I'm using GLPK64 from VBA/Excel and wanted to define scaling options.
In the given example for VBA (file glpk.bas in the GLPK64 zip file from 
SourceForge), there is no declaration for the scaling function.

I tried adding manually as defined below:

#if win64 then
Declare PtrSafe Sub glp_scale_prob Lib "C:\GLP_DLL\glpk_4_64.dll" (ByVal lp As 
LongPtr, ByVal flags As Long)
Declare PtrSafe Sub glp_scale_prob Lib "C:\GLP_DLL\glpk_4_64_stdcall.dll" 
(ByVal lp As LongPtr, ByVal flags As Long)

This works well in win32, using the stdcall compilation.
This does not work (VBA crashes at execution) when using the w64 build. Without 
scaling, there is no other issue with other functions.

By the way, there is also no declaration for < glp_print_sol > function of 
GLPK. I could ad dit but I'm wondering why the example in GLPK.bas do not 
include it. Any issue with it ?

Thansk for support / advice
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