
I've just subscribed to this list. My field is acoustics and I plan to
use the solver to optimize combinations of sounds to comply with certain
constraints for their use in experiments. The problem boils down to a
mixed integer linear programming case.

I would like to know if it is possible to call this library from
mathematical software such as Scilab or Octave (or Matlab). I could
prepare the input data within the Scilab environment, then I would need
to call the solver and finally retrieve the solutions for further use
within the Scilab environment.

I'm working with version 6.0.1 of Scilab on Windows 7 and I've
downloaded the most recent version of GLPK.

In case it is possible, what steps should I follow to "make it happen"?

Is it necessary to compile the library? How?

As my knowledge of C is quite elementary, any practical hint regarding
the shortest path towards my goal (including readings) will be appreciated.


Federico Miyara

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