On 4/10/20 11:57 AM, Andrew Makhorin wrote:
> -------- Forwarded Message --------
> From: sahani rathnasiri <sahanirathnas...@gmail.com>
> To: help-glpk@gnu.org
> Subject: Need help in Fixing GUSEK Code
> Date: Fri, 10 Apr 2020 19:08:39 +1000
>> Hi All,
>> I am running code in GUSEK and I need to define three indexes. I am
>> getting a syntax error. Please help me fix this.
>> My constraint;
>> subject to order_quantity_constraint_min {i in I, j in J, n in N: i
>> <= t, j <> 2 and n <= r}: Z[i,j]* Qmin[i,n] <= a[i,n];
>> The result I receive in NEOS;
>> amplin, line 50 (offset 2865):
>>         syntax error
>> context:  subject to order_quantity_constraint_min {i in I, j in J, n
>> in N: i <=  >>> t, <<<  j <> 2 and n <= r}: Z[i,j]* Qmin[i,n] <=
>> a[i,n];

Dear Sahani,

the output points you to where the problem is: "t,".

Probably you mean

i <= t and j <> 2 and n <= r

Best regards


>> Executing AMPL.
>> If anyone can help me, really appreciate your help in this regard.
>> Thank You,
>> Best Regards,
>> Sahani 

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