Hello !

With this commit https://github.com/mingodad/GLPK/commit/2d445283a68c96fe64f0d7e5b26d9cd7e5cf6acf it now solve all original problems and also is able to solve examples/cut-fix-size.mod that shows what new GMPL extensions I've done (still as a prof of concept that need more work) and is usable with caution.

The 'let' update propagation is not done properly, but if we preallocate parameter/set dimensions we can work by changing the predicate filters ({j in PATTERNS : j <= nPAT_top}).

Also to overwrite the type of solver to be used the syntax of solve is "solve[.lp/mip/ip] [problem name];".

Would be nice if anyone could provide examples of problems that they want to be able to express in GMPL to test/improve/extend the implementation.

Again any comment/suggestion/help is welcome !


problem Cutting_Opt;
# ----------------------------------------

param nPAT integer >= 0, default 0;
param nPAT_top integer >= 0, default 0;
param roll_width;

set PATTERNS := 1..nPAT;

param orders {WIDTHS} > 0;
param nbr {WIDTHS,PATTERNS} integer >= 0;

let nPAT := 2 * card(WIDTHS);
let nPAT_top := 0;
for {i in WIDTHS} {
   let nPAT_top := nPAT_top + 1;
   let nbr[i,nPAT_top] := floor (roll_width/i);
   let {i2 in WIDTHS: i2 <> i} nbr[i2,nPAT_top] := 0;
#display nPAT, nPAT_top;
#display nbr;

check {j in PATTERNS : j <= nPAT_top}: sum {i in WIDTHS} i * nbr[i,j] <= roll_width;

var Cut {PATTERNS} integer >= 0;

minimize Number: sum {j in PATTERNS : j <= nPAT_top} Cut[j];

subject to Fill {i in WIDTHS}:
   sum {j in PATTERNS : j <= nPAT_top} nbr[i,j] * Cut[j] >= orders[i];

problem Pattern_Gen;
# ----------------------------------------

param price {WIDTHS} default 0;

var Use {WIDTHS} integer >= 0;

minimize Reduced_Cost:
   1 - sum {i in WIDTHS} price[i] * Use[i];

subject to Width_Limit:
   sum {i in WIDTHS} i * Use[i] <= roll_width;

problem Mix : Cut, Reduced_Cost;

problem Pattern_Gen;

if nPAT > 0 then {
    problem Mix;
    #problem Mix2; #problem creation not allowed here

display Cutting_Opt, Pattern_Gen, Mix;

repeat {
#for {1..4} {
   solve.lp Cutting_Opt;
   let {i in WIDTHS} price[i] := Fill[i].dual;
   #display price;

   solve/*.mip*/ Pattern_Gen;
   display Reduced_Cost, Use;
   if Reduced_Cost < -0.00001 and nPAT_top <= nPAT then
      let nPAT_top := nPAT_top + 1;
      let {i in WIDTHS} nbr[i,nPAT_top] := Use[i];
      #display nPAT;
   else break;

check {j in PATTERNS : j <= nPAT_top}: sum {i in WIDTHS} i * nbr[i,j] <= roll_width;

solve/*.mip*/ Cutting_Opt;
display Cut;
#solve Pattern_Gen;


param roll_width := 110;
set WIDTHS :=
param orders :=
     [20] 48
     [45] 35
     [50] 24
     [55] 10
     [75] 8;


Cheers !

On 24/8/20 17:02, Meketon, Marc wrote:
Since GMPL is a subset of AMPL, I would begin by looking at:

As far as examples, the classic 'cutting stock' problem is a good one.  The 
AMPL site has two different iterative approaches:





and the data file is at:

-----Original Message-----
From: Domingo Alvarez Duarte <mingo...@gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, August 24, 2020 10:34 AM
To: Meketon, Marc <marc.meke...@oliverwyman.com>; Andrew Makhorin 
<m...@gnu.org>; help-glpk@gnu.org
Subject: Re: Adding if/then/else statement to GMPL

Hello Meketon !

Could you share your view of how it would be expressed (an ideal model
sample) ?

If you want to talk about it, maybe I'll be interested in implement it !

Can you share a collection of models data to be used as base for the 
test/implementation ?

Cheers !

On 24/8/20 16:00, Meketon, Marc wrote:
I've always felt that GMPL needed if-then-else, for-loops, 'let' statements and 
the ability to re-solve to be a true modeling language.  And Andrew has always 

Many of the models that I create ultimately are 'iterative' where I need to 
take the results of one model and use it to setup another model.  To me, that 
is also modeling.  GMPL doesn't have it.

So often, I use GMPL for an initial model - it is a wonderful language, and I 
find it faster to code than alternatives.  But then when I 'get it right' I 
have to re-code it in PYOMO or PULP or write directly to an 'lp' file within a 
Python or C# or other language script.

Having the ability to run, adjust variables, add/take away constraints, re-run 
would be extremely useful, and make GMPL more of a one-stop modeling language.

-----Original Message-----
From: Help-glpk
<help-glpk-bounces+marc.meketon=oliverwyman....@gnu.org> On Behalf Of
Andrew Makhorin
Sent: Sunday, August 23, 2020 2:56 PM
To: Domingo Alvarez Duarte <mingo...@gmail.com>; help-glpk@gnu.org
Subject: Re: Adding if/then/else statement to GMPL

On Sun, 2020-08-23 at 15:36 +0200, Domingo Alvarez Duarte wrote:
Hello !

Also I've added the break/continue statements here

Again any comment/suggestion is welcome !

Cheers !

Please note that GNU MathProg is a *modeling* language; it is not a 
general-purpose programming language. If you need to produce a non-trivial 
solution report (since all such-like statements are allowed only on the 
post-solving stage), it would be more practical to write the solution to a 
temporary file and then process it with a separate program.

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