On Sat, 26 Sep 2020, Domingo Alvarez Duarte wrote:

I did a revision of the usage of "glp_long_double" see here https://github.com/mingodad/GLPK/commit/4941d1633e52b802bdc5f102715ac3db25db5245


Revised usage of glp_long_double, now it does solve hashi.mod and tiling.mod faster with "--cuts" option but hashi.mod without it's a lot slower.


- Standard glpsol  => 67.6 secs

- glpsol with some "long double" => 3.1 secs

I'd expect strategic use of long double to affect accuracy,
but not to have a consistent effect on speed.

Iterative refinement is one place where computing
with extra precision would be especially useful.

Note that long double=double*double raises at least three possibilities:
The product is done as double*double and assigned to long double.
The product is done as long double*long double and
converted to double before being assigned to long double.
The product is done as long double*long double and assigned to long double.
Casting a factor to long double would ensure the third.
The second really should not happen, as the product is a sub-expression,
but I would not be surprised to se it.

Storing some things as floats could speed up memory bound computations.
The constraint matrix comes to mind.
An all-integer constraint matrix with absolute values
less than 16 million could be represented exactly.
Storing them as 32-bit ints would extend the range..

Matrix factors might not be so good an idea.
It might work, but the criteria for detecting
singularity would likely have to be relaxed.

Michael   henne...@web.cs.ndsu.nodak.edu
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