On Tue, 2020-11-24 at 19:11 +0000, Manuel Castro wrote:
> Hi there,
> I am currently using gusek as an IDE to model and run GLPK.
> I use the following statement to read from CSV file.
> table tab_plant IN "CSV" "plants.csv" : I <- [plant], a ~ capacity;
> This assumes that the file is placed in the same directory where the
> glpk solver is.
> How can I place my CSV file in a different directory and tell glpk to
> read it from there? How do I add the path on my model syntax? 

Conventions are the same as in C programs. You can write



        MYDIR & "/plants.csv"

where MYDIR is a symbolic parameter declared like this:

        param MYDIR, symbolic, := "../foo"

> Many thanks in advance for your help. It's really appreciated.
> Kind regards,
> Manuel. 

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