Hi Heinrich,

It works really well, I would have never thought of it that way.

Thanks again for your help,

Best regards


De : Heinrich Schuchardt <xypron.g...@gmx.de>
Envoyé : mercredi 24 mars 2021 00:05
À : Philippe Jugla <philippe.ju...@hotmail.fr>; help-glpk@gnu.org 
Objet : Re: Constraint modelling on a subset

On 23.03.21 22:28, Philippe Jugla wrote:
> Hello,
> I am rather new to GLPK and I am seeking help regarding the modelling of
> a constraint in a unit commitment problem.
> I hope someone will kindly help me on this one.
> I am trying to model a constraint which constrains a sum, but on a
> sequence of subsets of an initial set TIME.
> A bit of context with a simple example below :
> *#sets *
> set TIME := 1..T;
> set PLANTS :=P1, P2;
> * *
> *#parameters *
> param T;
> param max_startups_year {PLANTS};
> param max_startups_week {PLANTS};
> * *
> *#variable *
> var startup {p in PLANTS, t in TIME} binary;
> * *
> *#constraint 1 *
> subject to C1 {p in PLANTS}:
> sum {t in TIME} startup[p,t] <= max_startups_year[p];
> *_ _*
> *Now this is where I am struggling : I would like to constrain sum of
> startup[p,t] with parameter max_startups_week[p] but on subsets of the
> set TIME with step k (let’s say k=5). *
> * *
> *The following works but obviously is not flexible at all. *
> *It gives you the idea of what I would like to do : *
> sum {t in 0..5} startup[p,t] <= max_startups_week[p];
> sum {t in 6..10} startup[p,t] <= max_startups_week[p];
> …
> Etc…
> …
> sum {t in T-5..T} startup[p,t] <= max_startups_week[p];
> I have tried to define another set TIME_2 but it’s not satisfying as it
> is hard-coded as well…
> *Set TIME_2 := (0..5 union 6..10.. union /[etc]/ union T-5..T)  *
> *subject to C2 {p in PLANTS}: *
> *sum {s in TIME_2} startup[p,s] <= max_startups_week[p]; *
> How would you work this constraint out to be robust and flexible ? At
> the end, the number of steps k should be a parameter.
> To simplify things, let’s say that k divides exactly set TIME.
> Thanks very much for your help,
> Philippe

All you need is an indexed constraint like:

s.t. constraint{w in WEEKS}:
max_startups_week[w] >=
sum{d in DAYS_OF_WEEK} startup[d + days_per_week * w];

Best regards


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