Hello Maxim !

I'm maintaining this https://github.com/mingodad/GLPK with all the versions that I found through the net and my changes to it too and have a online wasm demo here https://meimporta.eu/myglpk-ext .

Cheers !

On 26/4/22 18:14, Maxim Akhmedov wrote:
As long as I see there is no official public git (or other VCS) repository representing GLPK source code development branch. Is there any possibility that at least a read-only mirror will appear? This would provide somewhat widespread way of source code/history browsing, line blaming, vendoring (i.e. using git submodules), etc. Moreover, if using github/gitlab as a hosting, it would open a convenient (IMHO, in comparison to mailing lists) way of bug tracking & contributing.
How do you feel about this idea?
Best wishes,
Maxim Akhmedov
  • Public VCS Maxim Akhmedov
    • Re: Public VCS Domingo Alvarez Duarte

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