-------- Forwarded Message --------
From: Prabhu Manyem <prabhu.man...@gmail.com>
To: Andrew Makhorin <m...@gnu.org>, Neill Clift <neillcl...@live.com>
Subject: GLPK Linear Programming solver
Date: Tue, 28 Jun 2022 14:39:01 +0930

> Hello,
> About the GLPK Linear Programming solver 5.0, running Linear
> Programming models:
> For some instances, when I run the solver from inside a C program,
> using the statement
>   glp_simplex(mis1, NULL),
> I get a solution which is fully Integer... For every variable, I
> obtain an integer value.
> However, when I run the same model in Linux command line, using the
> command
> glpsol --nomip --simplex --lp Max_Clique_model.lp
> I get an optimal solution with the SAME objective function value, but
> now, some variables are NOT integers... I get a fractional solution.
> Why the difference between the 2 methods?
> How to fix this problem for the command line execution of GLPK?
> Thank you very much for your help.
> Dr Prabhu Manyem
> Retired Professor of Applied Mathematics
> Nanchang Institute of Technology

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