
A finite dimensional polyhedron could have exponentially many vertices! For an all-zero objective function - in case when the LP problem turns to a feasibility problem: no one can check nor list all the vertices in polynomial time = no polynomial size witness, can't be NP-complete!
Even more difficult problem.


2022-10-06 15:18 időpontban Manuel Muñoz Márquez ezt írta:
Hi, Andrew:

I don't kown if it is implemented somewhere. But the problem of
generating all the optimal vertices is the same as generating all the
vertices of a new polyhedron in 1 lower dimension.

But that problem is known to be NP-complete [1], so it is very hard or
almost impossible as soon as the dimension increases.

Furthermore, if I understand your procedure correctly, that way you
only will find vertices next to the original. For simplicity, lets us
assume that the optimal polyhedron is a square. If the solver gives
you the bottom left corner, you will only be able to find the bottom
right and top left corners, but you will never reach the top right corner.

What is it your goal?

Regards, Manuel.

[1] https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00454-008-9050-5

El jue, 06-10-2022 a las 13:49 +0300, Andrew Makhorin escribió:
-------- Forwarded Message --------
From: Prabhu Manyem <prabhu.man...@gmail.com>
To: fuk...@math.ethz.ch, Andrew Makhorin <m...@gnu.org>, avis@cs.mcgill.c
Subject: Linear Program Optimal Extreme Points
Date: Thu, 6 Oct 2022 10:04:22 +1030

Dear Andrew, Komei, David,

I am a retired Maths professor in Adelaide, Australia.

About the problem of enumerating all OEP (optimal extreme points) for
a Linear Program, I tried the following approach, using GLPK
software.. Is this a good way to handle degeneracy?  Please let me

For my instances, I have explicitly added lower bound constraints of the
"x_i >= 0"  for each variable x_i..

(1) Solve the original Linear Program (call this LP0).. This returned
an optimal solution value of 50 (for my example).
The objective function is  "Max. Z = CX"... So  Z_{max} = 50.

(2) Now add the constraint  "CX = 50" to the original LP.. This gives
us a new LP, which we can call LP1... Solve  LP1.. With GLPK, I was
able to save the last BFS (basic feasible solution) of LP1 to a file,
say Soln-1.bas (using the  "-w Soln-1.bas"  option).
Soln-1.bas  is the first OEP (optimal extreme point).

(3) In Soln-1.bas, find the lexicographically first Non-Basic
variable.. For example, let us say that this is x5... Since I want to
avoid degeneracy and go to a new OEP,  I modify the Lower Bound for
x5... I modify  "x5 >= 0"  to  "x5 >= epsilon"  where epsilon is a
very small positive number.. Call this LP2.

(4) Now run LP2 using GLPK, using the previous basis Soln-1.bas as the
starting solution.. In GLPK, you can do this using the "--ini
Soln-1.bas" option in the terminal command line... The LP2 output
should be written to "Soln-2.bas".

(5) If Step 4 is a failure, that is, LP2 is infeasible, then check
Soln-1.bas, and find the NON-BASIC variable lexicographically next to
x5, for example, x8... Then the lower bound "x5 >= epsilon" should be
reset to zero ("x5 >= 0),  and the lower bound for x8 should be set to
epsilon (x8 >= epsilon)... Now run this new LP, again using the
"--ini Soln-1.bas"  option in GLPK.

On the other hand, if Step 4 is a success (that is, LP2 is feasible),
then Soln-2 is the second OEP.
Then we do something similar to Step 3... Open Soln-2.bas, find the
lexicographically smallest Non-basic variable, for example, x9, reset
the lower bound of x5 to zero (x5 >= 0), change the lower bound of x9
to epsilon (x9 >= epsilon), and the solve the new LP (call it LP3) in
GLPK using the  "--ini Soln-2.bas"  option.

We traverse the OEP's in a tree-like fashion..

I assume that the above approach  (setting a Non-basic variable to >=
epsilon and solving a new LP, using the last BFS of the previous LP as
a starting point for the new LP)  is NOT a new idea... But I would
like to know if this has been implemented.

Look forward to your comments and suggestions.. Thank you.. (And
thanks to Andrew for GLPK).


Dr Prabhu Manyem
Retired Professor of Applied Mathematics
Nanchang Institute of Technology
Currently in Adelaide, Australia

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