On Thu, 8 Feb 2024, Manuel Muñoz Márquez wrote:

You have a decision problem if and only if you have decision variables.

I think OP is using "decision variables" in a non-standard way:
binary auxilliary variables representing choices,
e.g., project p is done in month m.
OP wants to reduce it to one variable per project.
It won't work.
If q[p]=1 represents project p is done in month 1
and q[p]=37 represents project p is done in month 37,
then q[p]=19=(1+37)/2 allows project p to be half done in month 1
half in month 37.
OP could get it down to 6 binary variables per project,
but 'tain't obvious that it would help.
The LP relaxation might not be as tight.
The traditional TSP formulation has n*(n-1)/2 binary variables.
It could be got down to 2*n*lg(n),
but so far as I know, no one has tried to deal with the mess.

My suspicion is that OP's problem is equivalent to an assignment problem.
In that case, 12000 variables should not be difficult.

Michael   henne...@mail.cs.ndsu.nodak.edu
"SCSI is NOT magic. There are *fundamental technical
reasons* why it is necessary to sacrifice a young
goat to your SCSI chain now and then."   --   John Woods

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