On Fri, 08 Apr 2005 19:58:01 +0000, Alan Mackenzie wrote:
> [Followup-To: gnu.emacs.help.  Add your own group if you wish.]
> o Do you program with auto-newline switched on (e.g. do you get NLs
>   inserted automatically after typing a `;' or `{')?

> o Did you configure this auto-newline setting yourself, and if not,
>   are you happy with it?

Yes I configured it myself and I've used it for many years, I have
spells of getting irritated with it, maybe I should use it when
creating the original file and then turn it off when editing an
existing file

> o Are you aware of the key binding C-c C-a to toggle this mode on
>   and off?


> o How often do you use C-c C-a (or even C-c C-t) to toggle
>   auto-newline mode?

Very rarely - more likely to pull if off the menu when I can't
remember the key binding

> o In which language(s) (C, C++, ....) do you program in (X)Emacs?

C++ and java - sometimes C

> Further pertinent comments are, of course, welcome.  Thanks in
> advance for your time.

Your consultation is appreciated!

La grenouille songe..dans son château d'eau
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