Matthias wrote:
> Hi,
> I have the following problem: How do I advice a function so that
> within that function, the function `read-minibuffer' (for example)
> calls the definition of another function, say `my-read-minibuffer'?
> I'm trying to use an advice around the function; the advice providing
> a binding of the symbol `read-minibuffer' to the definition of
> `my-read-minibuffer'. Like the following:
> (defadvice la-fonction
>   (around la-fonction-extended enable compile)
>   "Documentation"
>    (let (f1)
>      (fset 'f1 read-minibuffer)
>      (fset 'read-minibuffer my-read-minibuffer)
>      ad-do-it
>      (fset 'read-minibuffer f1)))
> Any comment? Is it silly? Is there a better way? Any idea?

I asked the 'is there a better way' question not too long ago
concerning the problem below and got no response so this might
be as good as it gets.  I do it slightly different from your
example.  I think you really don't need f1 in your advice code.

; I don't like bookmark mouse-2 opening the file in another window.
; There doesn't seem to be any other way to fix the problem.  The
; theory here is to temporarily re-define the function that the mouse
; handler does call giving it the definition of the function I wish it
; would call.
(defadvice bookmark-bmenu-other-window-with-mouse
  (around my-fix first () activate) ;rgb 2004
  "Changes behavior to open file in same window, not other-window."
  (let (bookmark-bmenu-other-window)
    (fset 'bookmark-bmenu-other-window
          (symbol-function 'bookmark-bmenu-this-window))

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