You should have a *scratch* buffer automatically present.  That is in
the proper mode.

Adam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> At the top of the "Programming in Emacs Lisp", before and around the section
> Practicing Evaluation, examples are given for the novice to evaluate by c-x
> c-e.  And this does produce the result in the minibuffer or echo section
> below. 
> My question is, How should create a buffer in which the results will be
> echoed in the buffer, like in a lisp-evaluation-mode ? 
> In particular, what extension whould this file/buffer be called. Presumeably
> name.el where expressions are evaluated by highlighted and evaluated by c-x
> c-e  but then doesn't this required the major-mode to be changed every time
> the file/buffer is opened ? 
> I am looking for a file in which I can incrementally create an emacs-lisp
> program, will much trial and error, where screes of text can be printed as
> a result if necessary, and the minibuffer is just not big enough. 
> Now, if some setup *---interactive-mode---* stuff could be included at the
> top of that buffer, then that would be ideal. Perhaps it is an
> "self-evaluating form" that I really need. 
> Any suggestions or comments appreciate. 

Alan Wehmann
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