Am 09.05.2005 um 12:09 schrieb Tilo Arens:

I have recently upgraded my Linux box from SuSE 8.2 to 9.2. Since then, when I
press the "Alt Gr" key on my (German) keyboard, there is an anoying beep.
Otherwise, the key works fine. Can anybody help?

Sure! Try 'xmodmap -pk' to determine your keyboard's new layout under X, then make AltGr some modifier. 'xmodmap -pm' will show waht you already have. Under the recent circumstances try in GNU Emacs 'C-h k' and then press AltGr. Now you know what this key is doing to GNU Emacs.

Here is some syntax for a possible ~/.xmodmaprc:

! (for powerbooks, where enter is next to right Clover)
!!keycode 60 = Meta_R
!!keycode 69 = Meta_R
!!keycode 63 = Alt_L
!!keycode 66 = Meta_L
!!clear Mod1
!!clear Mod2
!!add Mod1 = Alt_L Alt_R
!!add Mod2 = Meta_L Meta_R

In ~/.xinitrc you can put:

xmodmap ~/.xmodmaprc

'man xmodmap' should help more.

Mit friedvollen Grüßen


The box said "Use Windows 95 or better," so I got a Macintosh

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