Am 07.06.2005 um 09:58 schrieb Michael-E. Voges:
I need - using text-mode, iso-8859-1 - a protected space to avoid
between two words as for example the ~-sign of LaTeX.
You mean
; oct dec hex UCS2 UTF-8
= 240 = 160 = A0 = U+00A0 = C2 A0 : NO-BREAK SPACE
Try C-q 2 4 0 RET. Instead of RET any other non-digit character
finishes the alt-method ...
(You too can set that you want to input the sequence as hex or decimal.
Given you work with some UNIX and X11 you can set with xmodmap that
some key has XK_nobreakspace, for example alt-space?)
Mit friedvollen Grüßen
"They're putting dimes in the hole in my head to see the change in me."
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