> There is a trouble when I try to indent code after a #
> is found inside a print command.

> I have this indentation with # present inside a print
> command.

> print "\n # Parcours de $main::arg #########";
>     while(<FICHIERLOG>)
> {
>     $main::line = $_;
> }

> And I have this one when #is not present inside a
> print command.

> print "\n Parcours de $main::arg";
> while(<FICHIERLOG>)
> {
>     $main::line = $_;
> }

> I think the while is badly indented.

This should have gone to gnu.emacs.bug, but for what it's worth it seems to
be fixed in Emacs-CVS, so I can't remember when/how it got fixed,

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