Hattuari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Is there a clean way to get Emacs to start as a client when there is an
> available server?


,----[ (info "(emacs)Invoking emacsclient") ]
|    The option `--alternate-editor=COMMAND' is useful when running
| `emacsclient' in a script.  It specifies a command to run if
| `emacsclient' fails to contact Emacs.  For example, the following
| setting for the EDITOR environment variable will always give you an
| editor, even if no Emacs server is running:
|      EDITOR="emacsclient --alternate-editor emacs +%d %s"
| The environment variable ALTERNATE_EDITOR has the same effect, but the
| value of the `--alternate-editor' takes precedence.
|    Alternatively, the file `etc/emacs.bash' defines a bash function
| which will communicate with a running Emacs server, or start one if
| none exists.

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