I've been contemplating the code-generation problem for a long time.
The cedet site has a very old program I wrote called cparse that
generates code in C from definitions.

Additionally, semantic already has a couple routines that generates
prototypes and such in the semantic-format library.

I am generally uninterested in writing a C++ only tool, though I
usually prototype stuff for C/C++ first.  I do have a new code
generation module I've been working on to do just this sort of thing.
I just happen to be a bit busy these days and haven't had time to get
it working enough to provide a beta, and it does indeed generate
method bodies from class templates... well, it would if I had time to
get rid of the bugs that is.


>>> Klaus Berndl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> seems to think that:
>well, i read the hint ;-)
>Of course it would not hard (in contrary, would quite simple) for ECB to
>to offer this but because ECB is "just" the displayor of informations IMHO
>this is not the job of ECB... in addition such a feature is fully major-mode
>dependent because header-files do only exist in a few languages! So IMHO
>something like this has to be offered by semantic and it's c/c++-part e.g. -
>Eric, what do you think?
>To the OP: You should send your question to the cedet-mailing-list...
>On Wed, 15 Jun 2005, Adam Duck wrote:
>>  why isn't there a ecb- or cedet-function for this? *hint* *hint*
>>  bye, Adam.
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