
I'm wondering if someone can tell me how to configure JDE to properly
compile a package.  It looks like the default JDE configuration, which
compiles individual self-contained classes just fine, is actually
running the compile command within the working directory.  This causes
it to fail when compiling a package with multiple class files, since
the compiler needs to run in the top-level directory above the
package.  I get 'unable to locate object' errors for the elements
defined in a class other than the particular class being compiled.

I don't see anything in the JDE docs about this.  I know my classes
are configured correctly because I can compile the package from the
commandline.  But JDE takes a dump.

Of course, I'm not a java world expert, so I may be missing something
else, too.



Michael Powe            [EMAIL PROTECTED]               Naugatuck CT
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