The form

  (timezone-parse-date "Fri, 17 Mar 89 4:01:33")

evaluates to the vector

  ["1989" "3" "17" "4:01:3" "3"]

The documentation for the function says

  "Parse DATE and return a vector [YEAR MONTH DAY TIME TIMEZONE].  ...
   TIMEZONE is nil for DATEs without a zone field."

Therefore, the last element of the above vector should be `nil'.

As I understand, the problem is caused by the first regular expression
in the `cond' expression in `timezone-parse-date'.  The following
patch seems to solve the problem:

diff -ruN emacs/lisp/timezone.el emacs-new/lisp/timezone.el
--- emacs/lisp/timezone.el      Fri Jul  8 16:54:48 2005
+++ emacs-new/lisp/timezone.el  Fri Jul  8 16:56:05 2005
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@
        (time nil)
        (zone nil))                     ;This may be nil.
     (cond ((string-match
-           "\\([0-9]+\\)[ \t]+\\([^ \t,]+\\)[ \t]+\\([0-9]+\\)[ 
\t]+\\([0-9]+:[0-9:]+\\)[ \t]*\\([-+a-zA-Z0-9]+\\)" date)
+           "\\([0-9]+\\)[ \t]+\\([^ \t,]+\\)[ \t]+\\([0-9]+\\)[ 
\t]+\\([0-9]+:[0-9:]+\\)[ \t]+\\([-+a-zA-Z0-9]+\\)" date)
           ;; Styles: (1) and (2) with timezone and buggy timezone
           ;; This is most common in mail and news,
           ;; so it is worth trying first.

I use Emacs 21.3, but I notice that the regexp is the same in the CVS
version.  Should I submit a bug report or a patch?


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