At 2005-07-11T15:45:52-04:00, Jim Zhang wrote:

> some time if I finish a $ \begin{align}$ environment, I can not
> input "$" sign. It shows in the minibuffer: "math mode because of
> align, Use C_q $ to force a dollar sign"!

The `\begin{align}' control sequence automatically introduces math
mode, so there is no need to enclose it in `$' symbols.  This also
means that you cannot use `$' inside an `align' environment without
escaping it.  That explains the error message.  You may want to see
the examples in the "User's Guide for the `amsmath' Package".  If you
are using `teTeX', you could do that with the command `texdoc

> What i need is a very very simple syntax hightlighting scheme that
> runs functionally for editing tex file.

You can try `tex-mode' instead of `AUCTeX'.  You can do that an
expression like this in your Emacs startup file:

  (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.tex\\'" . tex-mode))


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