To Richard Stallman and others...

I have been using Emacs for years and in my opinion it is something of
a religion!

I was recently using Emacs under Gnu/Linux where I learnt about
symbolic links and how useful they are.

These days I am mainly using Emacs under Windows XP so I wondered if
it was possible for Emacs to recognise Windows-style symbolic links
(*.lnk files)

The Cygwin shell and the Windows Explorer recognises *.lnk files so I
thought it would be a good thing if Emacs could be made to recognise
*.lnk files.

After a little bit of C++ and Lisp coding a came up with a solution.
All that you need is a C/C++ program that parses the *.lnk file and
returns via stdout the name of the file/directory that the link points

Suppose that the name of the C/C++ program is d:/bin/lnk.exe.

Then the following snippet of Lisp code achieves the result of taking
you (inside Emacs) to the target of the *.lnk file:

The following code snippet is inside a "cond" form:

     ((string-match "\\.lnk$" filename)
      (shell-command (concat "d:/bin/lnk.exe \"" filename "\""))
      (setq buf (set-buffer "*Shell Command Output*"))
      (goto-char (point-min))
      (setq output (my-find--current-line))
      (cond ((string-match "Usage:" output)
             (message output))
            ((file-exists-p output)
             (find-file output))
             (message "Cannot find file: %s" output)))
      (kill-buffer buf))

This is all good for my own private purposes but I realise that for my
idea to be included in the standard Gnu Emacs that it must also be

I have no idea what the format of the *.lnk files is, and a robust
program would have to support all possible examples.

Here is the source code to my lnk.exe file:

> #include "../../2003/noio/io.hh"
> int main(int argc, char** argv)
> {
>    const char* usage = "Usage: lnk FILENAME.LNK\n";
>    if (argc != 2) {
>       std::cout << usage;
>       exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
>    }
>    const char* filename = argv[1];
>    int len = strlen(filename);
>    const char* last_four = filename + len - 1 - 4;
>    if (0 == strcmp(last_four, ".lnk")) {
>       std::cout << usage;
>       exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
>    }
>    FILE* f  = fopen(filename,"rb");
>    string_buffer sb;
>    int ch;
>    while ((ch = fgetc(f)) != -1) {
>       if ((ch >= 0x20) && (ch <= 0x7f)) {
>          sb << (char)ch;
>       }
>    }
>    int i = index_of(sb, ":\\") - 1;
>    ASSERT(i != -1);
>    string link = substring(sb, i, sb.get_length());
>    cout << link << '\n';
>    exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);
> }

Sorry about the usage of my non-standard I/O library, but it would not
be to hard to rewrite this code to use either C or C++ I/O libraries.

Please tell me if you think my idea is a good one!


P.S. Another idea for making Emacs better would be for dabbrev-expand
to search through the kill ring for possible completions.


Davin Pearson

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