Mathias Dahl <brakjoller <at>> writes:

> Kevin Rodgers <ihs_4664 <at>> writes:
> > If typing that directory name even once is too much, try setting an
> > environment variable to it so you can reference it: C-x C-f
> > $CERTAIN_DIR <tab>
> [...]
> Anyone else doing the same thinking? It would have been really cool to
> have something like this. Maybe some "magical" character that
> `find-file' reacts to and switch to using bookmarks, or something like
> that.

I like the "named dirs" feature of ZSH (  You can given a
directory a name using the `hash' command, like this:

   % hash -d emacs-cvs=/home/ecl/Emacs/emacs-cvs

Later you can switch to that directory by using:

   % cd ~emacs-cvs

But note that bookmarks can have more complicated names, which might contain

Maybe also of interest:

;; From
(defun iswitchb-bookmark-jump (bname)
  "*Switch to bookmark interactively using `iswitchb'."
        ((iswitchb-make-buflist (default)
                                (require 'bookmark)
                                (setq iswitchb-buflist (bookmark-all-names))))
           (iswitchb-read-buffer "Jump to bookmark: "))))
  (bookmark-jump bname))

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