Am 22.07.2005 um 21:32 schrieb Stefan Bienert:

I got a new the computer at the university, the meta-key is on "alt", at my hoem pc its on "esc". Is there a simple way to change it to
"alt" for my home pc, too?
My system is a gentoo-linux. But I really got no idea about keyboards.

When your Emacsen are not running in a terminal emulation but as X clients, it's not about keyboards.

There are two programmes in X11: xev and xmodmap. Xmodmap accepts arguments to print out the X modifiers or all keys. Xev tells you the keysyms and keycodes you press. So you can check out a key (or more) to work as meta modifier.

Comparing both worlds you can now write a little script .xmodmaprc like:

        keycode 66 = Meta_L
        keycode 69 = Meta_R
        clear Mod2
        add Mod2 = Meta_L Meta_R

In .xinitrc you can add:

        xmodmap .xmodmaprc

So upon launching X11 you'll have at home the same setup as at university.

Mit friedvollen Grüßen


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