Tim X wrote:
Baloff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


C-x b to get the scratch buffer, so I can type an email, ops the mode
line shows (Lisp Interaction), well I need the mode assosiated with
.txt files, I remember when I open a file with .txt it had a (Text Fly
Fill) mode. now how can I change this mode in the middle of my
"writing the email".


I suspect there may be better ways of doing what you want, but its not
clear exactly what you want. For example, if you just want to write an
e-mail, why not use one of the many existing modes/packages for
composing e-mail. by doing this, you often get a lot of other added
benefits which may not get added when just creating a text file - for
example, you can define a bunch of e-mail specific abbrevs which only
take effect in buffers relating to composing e-mail, or you might
prefer different fill columns for normal text files compared to e-mail
messages or you might have a little emacs funciton which inserts witty
signatures into your e-mails which won't work if its just a buffer in
plain text mode etc.
I just get the feeling from your post that you may be trying to force
emacs into your way of thinking/doing things. While this is certainly
one of the major advantages of emacs, you can pretty much customize it
to be just how you want, its better to work out how emacs does things
first so that your not just re-inventing part of an existing
wheel. Once you know how emacs wants to do things, you can then more
easily work out how to best customize it to meet your personal

right, gnus is one thing I did not know about, I am getting to know it now, is there another package about emails in my system that I maynot be aware off?
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