Eli Zaretskii <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> From: David Kastrup <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2005 21:31:19 +0200
>> All that stuff in TeX/Web2C _is_ maybe 1% of a full TeXlive
>> installation, and certainly does not include the other 99%.
> I guess you think the main body of TeXLive is the fonts and the macro
> packages.  But if some of these are missing, they can be downloaded
> from CTAN and installed without any need for porting to Windows.
>> > changes very little, from the user point of view.
>> You mean, PDFTeX does not exist, almost _everything_ PDF-related does
>> not exist, listings.sty does not exist, all the various presentation
>> classes do not exist, ConTeXt does not exist, LaTeX never got around
>> to supporting any encoding except latin-1, useful scalable fonts do
>> not exist, source specials don't exist, KOMA-Script and memoir don't
>> exist and so forth and so on?
> Sigh.  No, I mean that these are already part of the latest fpTeX,
> even though its last version was released 18 months ago.

Quite a bit of that has considerably changed since then.  The utf8
encoding of LaTeX is new, KOMA-Script has new versions, memoir has
been fixed, ConTeXt largely extended, the Latin Modern fonts have
changed significantly, PDFTeX has margin kerning supported by the
microtype package, it has gained font extension, the beamer
presentation class is quite improved, as is listings.

David Kastrup, Kriemhildstr. 15, 44793 Bochum
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