Marc Tfardy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I have following problem:
> I have two buffers in one frame, both contains the same file, but
> showing diffrent parts of the file. The lines are longer than
> the frame wide is, so I see always a part of the line (I set
> the variable truncate-lines to t). My wish is, that when I move
> the cursor horzintally in one line in one buffer the other buffer
> move automaticly in the same direction by the same amount of characters,
> in other words - both move parallel. How can I do it? Any ideas?
> The bacground: my file contains a very wide table. The first
> line of the table is the header, then follows many lines of data.
> When I edit something far away from the header line, I don't see
> the header and I don't know about what column I just edit.
> My idea is, I open the file twice. The upper buffer show me
> alway the header, the bottom buffer show me data, but both buffers
> are linked, so I see alway the correct description in upper
> buffer.

There is follow-mode which does it vertically.  Perhaps you could hack
it to do it also horizontally, depending on how the windows are split
when starting it...

__Pascal Bourguignon__           
Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never
stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and
neither do we. -- Georges W. Bush
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