T Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>    My question is what commands will format the code to look nice?  I
>    know of the "indent" command but it only seems to do uniform indenting
>    for all the code.  What I am asking for is something that does the
>    indenting and auto edits the code to make it look a little more
>    pretty.

You want something specific, so you'll need to write specific emacs
lisp code to implement it.

>    When i say "format" or "make it look pretty" I mean it does stuff
>    like:
>    Ex:  Take a really long if statement expression and make it into 4
>    lines instead of just one HUGE expression.
>    Ex:
>    if((expression[x][y]>work[x][y])||(expression[x+1][y]>work[x+1][y])||(
>    expression[x][y+1]>work[x][y+1])||(expression[x][y-1]>work[x][y-1])||
>    if (( expression[x-1][y] > work[x-1][y] )
>         || ( expression[x+1][y] > work[x+1][y] )
>         || ( expression[x][y+1] > work[x][y+1] )
>         || ( expression[x][y-1] > work[x][y-1] ))

Beurk.  What'd look "pretty" for me would be:


See what I mean by "specific"...

So, you need to write (at least a partial) parser for C in emacs lisp,
matching C statements and expressions, and reformating them.

__Pascal Bourguignon__                     http://www.informatimago.com/

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