Kevin Rodgers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Emre Sevinc wrote:
>  > What I'm trying to learn is how to produce the effect
>  > of * and # of VIM in Emacs.
>  >
>  > I know I can make something like that:
>  >
>  > M-b C-s C-w
>  >
>  > I'd like to learn how can I make it with a single keystroke
>  > (key combination) or write some elisp function that
>  > does so.
> Since you know the equivalent key sequence, it's just a macro:
> (global-set-key "*" "\M-b\C-s\C-w")

After reading your post I tried that by typing it
in scratch buffer and pressing C-j however whatever
macro it created, it did not work when I came over
a word and pressed that character.

Then I tried to unset it by using global-unset-key
in a similar way, it didn't give any error but
when I press that key it beeps and doesn't do anything,
I have also tried using the interactive form 
M-x global-unset-key and give that character as a
parameter, but nothing changed :(

How can I unset and be able to use it as before?

BTW, my GNU Emacs is version 21.3.1

Thanks in advance.

Emre Sevinc

eMBA Software Developer         Actively engaged in: 
Cognitive Science Student
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