Baloff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 28 Jul 2005 15:20:51 +1000:
> Hello

> when I move my pointer to a braket, it highlight its marrying braket.
> but how can I get it to do the same with the ternary if-else operator
> (?:) I hope this is a good group for this question otherwise please
> point me.

It's exactly the right group!

There is no command which jumps from a ? to it's : or vice versa.  Maybe
there should be one.  Maybe somebody, somewhere, has implemented one, and
will jump in here with a URL pointing to the source code.

The thing is, though, how useful would this command be?  Programmers tend
not to nest these conditional expressions very much.  The command would
have to bound to a key sequence, something like C-c : (that's "control-c
colon").  By the time you've typed that in, you could just as well have
found the colon by interactive search by typing C-s :.

A tip: When you're asking questions like this, it's a good idea to write
"C++ Mode" in the subject line (or even in the body of your post), so
that people interested in C++ can zoom in quickly, and those not
interested can ignore it quickly.  ;-)

And thanks for printing your CC Mode configuration settings.  Even though
it turned out it wasn't relevant here, it's often very useful.

Alan Mackenzie (Munich, Germany)
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; to decode, wherever there is a repeated letter
(like "aa"), remove half of them (leaving, say, "a").

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